Tuesday 3 February 2009

For my first Print media project we were instructed to recreat or redesign a magazine article. The choice of magazine and article was left up to us and I chose a sunday supplement "Stella" from The Sunday Telegraph. I chose first to recreate the article and then made minor changes to its layout that I felt improved its reading quality.

The article itself was an informative piece on the late fashion designer Bill Gibb.

I began setting out the layout using Abode In Design.

I adapted the text on the first page of the article to better fill the space provided for it but left adequate space so as not to overcrowd the page.

I recreated the first pages of the article, scanning the pictures into photoshop and then into the layout i had recreated in In Design. I continued this with the rest of the article.

I adapted the text layout slightly to make it fit the layout I had created and changed some of the type face i felt did not flow with the article.

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