Tuesday 28 April 2009

For our 6th Print Media project we were instructed to create a leaflet for a printing company in Wakefield, Kolorcraft.

We first went on a trip to the Kolorcraft factory and were shown the different printing processes and how the factory works. This was an informative day and we made notes to use in our leaflets.

Foloowing on from this I did my own research into the company on the internet, using their comapny website and other sources which provided information on them.

I wanted my leaflet to be eyecatching and interesting but not too complex. The kolorcraft logo is distinctive so I used its colours and design for my leaflet. I made the leaflet black with white writing and each page have a different colour block behind the text. I also included the company logo on each page.

I wanted my logo to inform but not overload so I tried to included only the neccessary informative in and intersting format. I broke the text down into section on the business itself, what they do, the printing methods, environmental factors and contact details.

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