Tuesday 28 April 2009

For our 6th Print Media project we were instructed to create a leaflet for a printing company in Wakefield, Kolorcraft.

We first went on a trip to the Kolorcraft factory and were shown the different printing processes and how the factory works. This was an informative day and we made notes to use in our leaflets.

Foloowing on from this I did my own research into the company on the internet, using their comapny website and other sources which provided information on them.

I wanted my leaflet to be eyecatching and interesting but not too complex. The kolorcraft logo is distinctive so I used its colours and design for my leaflet. I made the leaflet black with white writing and each page have a different colour block behind the text. I also included the company logo on each page.

I wanted my logo to inform but not overload so I tried to included only the neccessary informative in and intersting format. I broke the text down into section on the business itself, what they do, the printing methods, environmental factors and contact details.

Monday 27 April 2009

The fifth Print Media project was a group project. In our assigned groups we were given an advertising campaign for a brand or lable to redesign. Our group was given a recent Vivienne Westwood campaign and the magazine it was to be included in was Wonderland.

We did some research into the campaign, Vivienne Westwood and Wonderland Magazine. From this we began brainstorming ideas. We decided to make the images of the campaign black and white as many of the photoshoots from the magazine are. We then decided to have the accessories, as the campaign was for the accessories range, in bright colour pop to make them stand out and make the campaign more interesting. We created a creatve brief and gannt chart detailing what we needed to do and how to do it.

We went out and did some test shots around the university using a bright pink handbag in different locations to see if our basic idea worked.

We found that one of our images by chance was very intersting and decided to play with the idea of scale. Next to the minature tree the bag looked giant and we thought this was an intersting and quirky idea that went along with the brand. We decided to use this alongside the colour pop idea.

We went back to the same spot to take our final shots and this time included some Vivienne Westwood boots, a scarf on the bag and some small figures to emphasize further the different scales. We took a range of shots from different angles and changing the layout of the shot to see what worked best. We then decided to have the boots being worn, stepping onto the bag, playing further with the idea of the accessories being giant.

We caputured a shot we were very happy with and used Photoshop to change it to black and white.

However on changing the contrast we found the image was sleaker and crisper than the black and white image and worked better overall. We added the Vivienne Westwood logo to the top corner in a watermark as it worked better than black or colour but stood out enough so it was clear what was being advertised.

For our fourth project the brief instructed us to create our own business cards. We were shown a rnage of business cards, some better than others in our lectures. From this I determined that while the business card should be interseting and visually appealing it should also be simple and clear.

I decided to use a fashion image on one side and put all the text on the other side, the back. I also wanted to use white text on a black or coloured background to make it more interesting. I experimented with different images and colour ranges to create pleasing card.

I used an image from my computer that I had used as inspiration in other projects aswell as my A-level art course for the front of the business card. The colours shown below are not exact to the print, the image does not look photoshopped or changed colourwise as it does below. On the reverse side of this image I used white text on a blackbackground with my course and contact details.

For the third Print Media project followed on from the second. We were instructed to create a gannt chart detailing the timeline of the brief we had created. I again used Adobe In Design for this project.

I first planned to use a similar background to that of the brief but changed this to make my work more diverse and interesting. I read through the brief i had constructed and from this created a gannt chart with an 8 week plan beginning with the recieving of the brief and ending with the final outcome.

For the second project we were instructed to firstly create a template for a creative brief and secondly to choose from 2 briefs to use on this template and merge them together. I began looking at briefs provided in our lectures and constructed 3 ideas for my brief using Abode In Design.

I decided to go with the second of my 2 brief designs and added the adapted text from my chosen brief for Ted Baker.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

For my first Print media project we were instructed to recreat or redesign a magazine article. The choice of magazine and article was left up to us and I chose a sunday supplement "Stella" from The Sunday Telegraph. I chose first to recreate the article and then made minor changes to its layout that I felt improved its reading quality.

The article itself was an informative piece on the late fashion designer Bill Gibb.

I began setting out the layout using Abode In Design.

I adapted the text on the first page of the article to better fill the space provided for it but left adequate space so as not to overcrowd the page.

I recreated the first pages of the article, scanning the pictures into photoshop and then into the layout i had recreated in In Design. I continued this with the rest of the article.

I adapted the text layout slightly to make it fit the layout I had created and changed some of the type face i felt did not flow with the article.